Kala S-U-B (Subductive U-bass)

Freaking Kala does it again.  What did they do?  They made me NEED yet another ukulele-related instrument.  I know, I have a problem.  Or, rather, I have a disease and the only cure is more UKULELE!  (and beer)

Anyway, check out a picture of the new Kala Subductive Solid Body U-bass.

Kala S-U-B Solid U-Bass Sunburst
Kala S-U-B Solid U-Bass Sunburst

Now if that doesn't get yer juices flowin' then you might already be dead.

So, I guess they call this baby the Subductive because of that word's relation to the Mariana Trench.  Get it?  The deepest place on Earth.  Well, if you've ever heard the apparent black magic of the low end that comes out of these U-basses then you would definitely get the reference.

I'm hoping to get my hands on one, and if I do, I'll upload some videos of it.  Now, where did I leave my bank-robbing mask and gloves?

Sneak Peak: Kala’s Solid Body U-Bass

Kala has really revolutionized both the Ukulele and the Bass guitar with their U-Bass.  Heck, the U-Bass has been featured in live performances and studio recordings for the likes of Sting, Paul Simon and Jimmy Buffett.  I was lucky enough to play one at a local music store and it blew my mind.  The strings feel like nothing you've ever played.  What's even better is that if you close your eyes you'd swear it was an upright bass.  It has BUCKETS of bottom end.

So, what did Kala do?  Yup, come out with a solid body version of this bad boy.  Now I have to explain to my wife why we need to have two ukulele bass guitars in the house.  Heh.  I just finished convincing her that I just HAD TO buy my new 1973 Gibson EB-0 bass.  Doh!

Feast your eyes on the Kala Solid Body U-bass:

Kala Solid Body U-Bass
Kala Solid Body U-Bass

If you want to see a demo of this beast, check out this video of Hutch Hutchinson pretty much slaying it.

Ukulele Guy Video Responses (YAY!)

So, I'm going to just come right out and admit that I know very little about the inner workings of Youtube.  I mean, I'd always seen these so-called "Video Responses" but I guess I didn't really get it.  It seemed like something that people did to argue more with a political video or something.  Imagine my surprise when I realized that I have two Video responses to my ukulele videos!

I have pretty much been smiling for days.  Anyway, the first video response I ever got was from russelljenkinsfearn and it was actually from a little while back.  He responded to my Kala Pocket Ukulele rendition of Ween's "Help me scrape the mucus off my brain".  In all honesty, his version is better.   Doh!  Anyway, check it out:

My next video response came over this weekend.  It was posted by "TacoBum311" and it was a response to my Eleuke Electric Ukulele version of Halloween by the Misfits.  Their version also features an Eleuke (the pretty sunburst one) and they do a rocking version of the best Misfits song of all time, Hybrid Moments.  Check it out!

Like I said, I feel like a proud father or something. I know it's a little ridiculous but I can't help it. So, if you want to make my freaking day then please post a Video Response to one of my ukulele videos.

Video: Bakithi Kumalo playing the Kala U-Bass with Paul Simon

Well, I'm still going through my inbox and now I'm down to just 281 messages left.  What prompted this particular post was an e-mail I got from Rick Carlson over at Kala.  He was just letting me know that Bakithi Kumalo played a U-Bass on the Colbert Report (with Paul Simon).  The video is pretty rad.  Enjoy!

The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Paul Simon - Getting Ready for Christmas Day
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> March to Keep Fear Alive

Yup. That does it. I definitely need a Kala U-Bass now.

Kala Pocket Ukuleles starting to appear in the wild!

I've been waiting for the Kala Pocket Ukulele to make its appearance "in the wild", so to speak, for a few weeks now.  If you recall, Kala sent me the Acacia model to test and review and I freaking love it.  It's adorable, beautifully made and it sounds fantastic!  But, I've been getting a lot of questions like "Where can I get one?",  "How much will they cost?" and so on.  I had originally heard that list on the Mahogany was going to be around $299 and list on the Acacia was $399.  Yup, don't let the size fool you.  These are beautiful, high quality instruments... they just happen to be teenie tiny.

The first place that I heard about the Kala Pocket Ukulele was Easy Music Center.  I don't see a notice on their site that they have them for sale, yet, but it might be worthwhile contacting them.  (UPDATE: They do have them at Easy Music Center!  In fact, you can even see them in the picture below.  Peter, said if you are interested to just e-mail him at [email protected] and he'll hook you up!  Make sure and remember to mention Ukulele Guy to get the good deal.)  Besides, wouldn't you want to buy a Ukulele from a store that has the WALL OF UKULELES [tm]! 😉  Check it out:

Wall of Ukuleles
Easy Music Center's "Wall of Ukuleles"

But, for those of you who just can't wait, I have seen a few of these beauties popping up on eBay.  So, here's what's currently out there right now.  Good luck!