Video: Movin’ Out, a drunken cover by Soft Trombone

Oh boy. Where to begin? You know, they say you should never start a performance with an apology. But, "they" weren't recording impromptu Billy Joel jams during a drunken birthday weekend. So, they can eat it. But, instead of moaning I'll just offer some explanations that hopefully give you some context on the video to follow.


  1. This video took place on my drunken camping birthday celebration.
  2. Soft Trombone (the name of our band, apparently) didn't have a name until the video started
  3. Soft Trombone also had never played together before this day.
  4. Soft Trombone isn't, by the Webster's definition anyway, a real band.
  5. Soft Trombone had just played about 20 other random songs and pretty much blown my voice to smithereens
  6. By this point in the evening, I had already enjoyed one of my birthday presents, which was a 24 ounce can of 4Loco..... and some beers.... and a shot or two of bourbon.
  7. My lovely wife is recording the video with two Flip camcorders, the recording from the second camera has yet to surface.  Based on the angle, I believe that Bryan Ramirez's "rock face" at the end of the video will be zoomed in and awesome.
  8. I have no idea who was watching any of the four children who were also present at the camping extravaganza.  I assume it was wood sprites or forest gnomes.

I suppose if I had any pride or any pretension at being a ukulele authority, I would never let this video see the light of day.  But, thankfully, I don't really care.  I was having a blast with some of my best friends and I think that definitely comes through.  Heh.  So, get out there kids, have fun and make fun of yourself because then you don't have to worry about someone doing it for you.

Video: Zombie Apocalypse by Kirby Krackle

Ok.  It's shocking admission time.  Brace yourself.  It turns out that this isn't my only blog.  I'm sorry baby, I've been seeing other blog readers.  Do you think you can still love me?  Heh.  What's more shocking is that my other blog has been around since 1996, if you can believe that.

You see, friend, I have an unhealthy appetite for post-apocalyptic movies.  So, I made Post Apocalyptic Movie Mania when I was in college and it's still around, if you can believe that.  I haven't brought it up before because Ukuleles don't really factor into the the apocalypse, zombies and plagues too frequently.

That is... until now!  Boo-yah!  Zombies and Ukes!  You all have Kirby Krackle to thank for this.  Cause, you see, now I'm not going to shut up about Dawn of the Dead, 12 Monkeys, etc, etc.  In fact, I think it's time to revamp my old Volumen song "The Dawn of the Day of the Night of the Return of the Living Dead".  This time it will be an all ukulele arrangement.

Video: Help me scrape the mucus off my brain (Ween cover)

Well, I must have listened to Pretty Good Musician's ukulele songs about two dozen times today. The end result was that I really, really, really want to get my ukulele novelty band off of the ground. But, today I had to settle for recording a version of "Help me scrape the mucus off my brain", by Ween. I played this one with my Kala Pocket Ukulele because it's been awhile since I used it in a video and because I look pretty ridiculous playing it.  It's just sooo damn tiny.

Anyway, this song is off of the Ween record 12 Golden Country Greats.  It's definitely one of their better records and songs.

My New BFFs: Pretty Good Musicians (Duck Tales + Paula Abdul)

So, I think I got a tweet Hillary a week or so ago but I forget how this whole thing started.  I think we were just shooting the shit and then suddenly she dropped that her and some friends have an all-ukulele version of the Duck Tales theme song.  What?!  That freaking reeks of awesome.

So, we get yakking back and forth and I decided the world needs to know more, especially after I heard their covers of "Sweet Jane", "Duck Tales", "Straight Up" and "Who's That Girl".  Not only does the world need to know more, but I need these guys to move to Montana.  I've been toying with the idea of making a ukulele novelty band for a few months now, but finding the right folks is proving tough.  I'd be more than happy to play second fiddle to these badasses.

So, their band is called Pretty Good Musicians.  It's comprised of Hillary O'Keefe, Ian K and Matt Miklos.  Depending on the song, you are gonna hear between 1-5 ukuleles and most likely some hilarious commentary and occasional cursing.  Everybody likes swears, right?  Yup. In the recordings, they play a Lanikai Tenor LU-21T, an Eleuke, a cigar box ukulele and a few other random ukes.  You can tell that they have a blast playing together and recording and that's what it's all about folks.  What is the point of being in a bad if it isn't fun?  These guys get it.

Check out the Pretty Good Musicians Facebook Page if you wanna be a fan.

I noticed that the Facebook page doesn't have some of my favorite tunes, so here ya go:

Oh yeah, and to all of you who might be saying, "Man, I could do this."  DO IT!  Stop talking.  Do it!  The world needs more ukulele bands.  Especially ones who know how to have fun.  The world doesn't need anymore Interpol or Coldplay.  Joy is contagious.

P.S.  If you are already in a hilarious and fun ukulele-powered band, please send me songs and vids!  I don't care if it's recorded on your 4-track or karaoke machine.  (In fact, I almost prefer that).  I want to hear it!

Video: 3am “Girl from Ipanema” on Ukulele and Keytar

Well, I'm finally back from the whirlwind Volumen Mini-tour of the northwest.  I feel like I'm still recovering, though.  This morning Simon (my five-year-old) asked me when I was getting my normal voice back.  I wish I knew kid.  I wish I knew.  Anyway, we played 4 shows in 4 days and after the 2nd show I had already lost my pillow and my voice.  After the 3rd show I had lost my credit card and any dignity and sanity I used to have.

The tour was awesome!  We had really great turn-outs and we sold buckets of CDs and shirts and whatnot.  Actually, the t-shirt sales weren't all good news.  We discovered after the Seattle show that we had sold at least one shirt that still had the security tag on it.  Whoops.  Sorry about that folks.  Just drive to Montana and we'll unlock it for ya.

Anyway, this is all leading up to a Ukulele video, right?  Umm... yup.  Here's the story.  We played at the Sunset Tavern in Ballard (Seattle-ish).  We played with Summer Babes (who are awesome) and two other bands who were fine, I guess?  I was a little grouchy on stage because we weren't allowed to drink on stage.  It's apparently against the law.  But, for some reason $37 white belts and tight pants are totally legal.  I'll let you figure that one out.  So, after our set we all made up for lost time with something I like to call "Extra Beers".  Then we loaded up our gear and drove to the afterhours at Jeff's house (Jeff is in Summer Babes and The Lights).

After arriving safe and sound we went across the street to The Buckaroo and had $2 cans of Olympia, pickled eggs and Misfits played super loud.   They ran us out of there by bringing a motorcycle inside the bar and peeling out inside the bar.  It was nuts.

So, we ran back to Jeff's house and decided to chill out.  This started the impromptu Girl From Ipanema session you are about to witness.  Keep in mind, Bob is our drummer and we'd never seen that keytar before.  K.  Here goes.