I've been waiting for the Kala Pocket Ukulele to make its appearance "in the wild", so to speak, for a few weeks now. If you recall, Kala sent me the Acacia model to test and review and I freaking love it. It's adorable, beautifully made and it sounds fantastic! But, I've been getting a lot of questions like "Where can I get one?", "How much will they cost?" and so on. I had originally heard that list on the Mahogany was going to be around $299 and list on the Acacia was $399. Yup, don't let the size fool you. These are beautiful, high quality instruments... they just happen to be teenie tiny.
The first place that I heard about the Kala Pocket Ukulele was Easy Music Center. I don't see a notice on their site that they have them for sale, yet, but it might be worthwhile contacting them. (UPDATE: They do have them at Easy Music Center! In fact, you can even see them in the picture below. Peter, said if you are interested to just e-mail him at [email protected] and he'll hook you up! Make sure and remember to mention Ukulele Guy to get the good deal.) Besides, wouldn't you want to buy a Ukulele from a store that has the WALL OF UKULELES [tm]! 😉 Check it out:

But, for those of you who just can't wait, I have seen a few of these beauties popping up on eBay. So, here's what's currently out there right now. Good luck!