Ukulele Guy and The Decemberists (Huh?)

Alright, the title might have been slightly misleading, but stay with me.  You see, roughly 6-7 years ago, a good friend of mine, Andy Smetanka, made a video for The Tain, by the Decemberists.  The Tain is basically the Irish Beowulf and the Decemberists' version of it is nearly 20 minutes long, so this thing is pretty much a freaking epic in every possible way.  Anyway, you should definitely watch the whole video, the animation will blow your mind.  Especially when you realize that Andy did it all by hand.  Yup, he painstakingly cut paper with an X-acto knife and filmed all the action frame by frame using an old super 8 camera.

What does this have to do with Ukuleles, you might ask?  Hang on, I'm getting there.  If you've ever seen any of Andy's other videos you'll notice that the credits are often as long as (sometimes longer) than the actual video.  And, usually there is some rad music underneath.  This video for The Tain was no exception and that's where I (and to a much greater part, many of my friends) came into the picture.

A big group of us used to meet once a week for something we called The Sharing Shack.  Basically it was like a potluck but the hosts of the potluck would have to teach everyone something or involve everyone in some sort of artistic project.  So, you might all come over to my house and I'd teach everyone candle making while my wife would teach stained glass.  Or, maybe we'd all head over to someone's house to do light painting or tamale making.  Frankly, I can't remember when I had so much free time and I often think back wistfully to these days.

Anyway, at one particular Sharing Shack hosted at my house, Andy wanted us to all help him make the music that would go under the credits of The Tain video he was working on.  So, the whole gang brought all manner of instruments and we got to work.  If you aren't going to watch the whole video (shame on you) then you can start at 19:10 and hear our interpretation of The Tain.  I engineered this recording and played ukulele.  Lots of other people contributed as well, thankfully there are credits for the credits, so you can read about all that.  My wife and (at the time) 6 month old son are also listed in the credits.  Enough gabbing, here goes!

Ukulele Guy Video Responses (YAY!)

So, I'm going to just come right out and admit that I know very little about the inner workings of Youtube.  I mean, I'd always seen these so-called "Video Responses" but I guess I didn't really get it.  It seemed like something that people did to argue more with a political video or something.  Imagine my surprise when I realized that I have two Video responses to my ukulele videos!

I have pretty much been smiling for days.  Anyway, the first video response I ever got was from russelljenkinsfearn and it was actually from a little while back.  He responded to my Kala Pocket Ukulele rendition of Ween's "Help me scrape the mucus off my brain".  In all honesty, his version is better.   Doh!  Anyway, check it out:

My next video response came over this weekend.  It was posted by "TacoBum311" and it was a response to my Eleuke Electric Ukulele version of Halloween by the Misfits.  Their version also features an Eleuke (the pretty sunburst one) and they do a rocking version of the best Misfits song of all time, Hybrid Moments.  Check it out!

Like I said, I feel like a proud father or something. I know it's a little ridiculous but I can't help it. So, if you want to make my freaking day then please post a Video Response to one of my ukulele videos.

Rock ’em Sock ’em Ukulele

Got $900 burning a hole in your pocket?  I'm sure you do, right?  Well then, friend, you are in luck!  Check out this rad Rock 'em Sock 'em Robot Tenor Ukulele (aka the Robolele).

Rock 'em Sock 'em Ukulele
Rock 'em Sock 'em Ukulele

Celentanowoodworks, from Ashville N.C., will build you one of these babies to order.  Looks like the ukulele is mostly maple and can be made to different sizes, if you so desire.  Can I get a "hell yeah" up in this piece?  If you think this is rad, take a look at the other cool instruments the etsy shop.

The broken and rusty gears in my brain are definitely spinning now.  You see, I have a good friend who also lives in Ashville (at least, I think that's where he lives).  Maybe I can talk him into heading over to Celentanowoodoworks' house and southern-charming them down on the price.  It's worth a shot, right?  While we are talking about my friend, you should probably check out his rad Etsy shop for his ceramics and pottery and stuff.  His store is called Mudstuffing.

Escalating Electric Fence Wager (part 4)

Alright, we've rounded the corner on this ridiculous night of beer-drinking, trash-talking and wagering.  If you had told me, before this thing started that I would be able to get my youngest brother to put his testicles on my electric fence and all it would cost me is $20 then I would have never believed you.  This is the guy who said he wouldn't even touch it for less then $75 and that was with this hands.  Heh.

Now, I realize this has absolutely nothing to do with Ukuleles.  However, if you remember from Part 1 of the wager, I was holding my Eleuke electric ukulele.  So, I'm going to allow it.  Also, I make Colin plug in part 5 of the video, so we can tie it all together. If you are offended by drunkenness, swearing or grown men acting like idiots and talking about their genitals then this might not be the video for you.

Video: Bakithi Kumalo playing the Kala U-Bass with Paul Simon

Well, I'm still going through my inbox and now I'm down to just 281 messages left.  What prompted this particular post was an e-mail I got from Rick Carlson over at Kala.  He was just letting me know that Bakithi Kumalo played a U-Bass on the Colbert Report (with Paul Simon).  The video is pretty rad.  Enjoy!

The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Paul Simon - Getting Ready for Christmas Day
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> March to Keep Fear Alive

Yup. That does it. I definitely need a Kala U-Bass now.