So, I got an e-mail from a nice person asking if I had ever seen a Treholipee in black and red. If they hadn't included pictures then I think I might have misunderstood them to mean the dark orange Treholipee that's one of the common colors. As far as I knew, Swagerty only made the following colors of Treholipee: Orange-Red, Yellow, Green and Brown. With that in mind, I opened the attached pictures and had my mind blown! Look at how rad this thing is.
Red and Black Swagerty Treholipee - Check out that Fretboard!Red and Black Swagerty Treholipee - Check out those pegs!Red and Black Treholipee - Another Fretboard ShotRed and Black Treholipee - The whole package
Have any of you guys ever seen one of these? What's the deal? My guess is that it was a custom or limited run that Swagerty did? I highly doubt that someone did this on their own because the pegs and fretboard look to be plastic (like all of the Treholipees I have ever seen). Any idea on what these would sell for now? I would say that Treholipees go for around $150 or so, but I would expect this to fetch more than that. Anyway, neat! Let me know if anyone has more information.
If you are looking for Treholipees on eBay, then check out these auctions.
I can't believe I haven't made a video with my Kookalele or Surfalele yet. Blasphemy! In my defense, I think I was waiting for the new strings to come in. But, I couldn't resist it any longer. So, here is a quick video that shows you 3 out of the 4 "Kooky Ukes" from Swagerty. Don't hold your breath for the 4th one (The Lil' Guitar). I saw one on eBay recently and it was like $600. Oof.
Oh yeah, I apologize for the crazy noise during parts of the video. That is what it sounds like when someone (in this case, my foxy wife) runs the vacuum cleaner in the room above my office.
Oh yeah, if you don't recognize that song, then you should check out this madness. And, if you like the look of these title sequence then you should totally start watching this show. It rules!
As I mentioned in an earlier swagerty post, I have a Treholipee that has a broken tuning paddle. As I also mentioned in that post, I got an e-mail (from a fella named Larry) describing how he fixed a similar problem. I wanted to post it here (with Larry's blessing) so other enterprising folks can make use of this info.
If you recall, Larry managed to pick up a Treholipee for a $1 at a garage sale (for this, I will always be jealous of him). His Treholipee, like mine, is missing a string as well as a tuning paddle. Now, Larry is using fishing line to replace his strings.
Here's a handy tip for you and all those fellow Uke fans out there who
need replacement strings. Nylon fishing line of various weights works very
well once you let it stretch in a few days (and it costs a WHOLE lot less!).
It just takes a little patience needing to retune a few times. Pete Seeger
talked about replacing banjo strings with nylon monofilament fishing line
starting with 10 lb. test through 50 lb. test depending on the diameter
If you don't fancy fishing line, though, you can get Worth tenor ukulele strings in lengths of 46" and that should work for you.
Anyway, back to the task of fixing the broken tuning paddle. Larry has found himself with a surplus of chopsticks. And, he was able to find a chopstick of the appropriate diameter to fit right in the hole for the Treholipee tuning paddle. Check out this rad picture:
Treholipee Improvided Paddle Repair
Now all he has to do is cut it to length and stain it black. I should mention that another suggestion I got on paddle repair was to use a clay mold of one of the other paddles and possibly cast it out of plastic. If I can get motivated, I might try that out and I'll let everyone know how it goes.
When I got my first Treholipee I was a little unsure about how to tune it. I've since found out that the Treholipee was meant to be tuned as a "tenor ukulele, tenor banjo, plectrum banjo, tenor guitar or baritone uke." Larry, being a banjo player, went this route:
I decided that I did'nt need to learn new chords if I would simply string it like the top 4 strings of my banjo, open G (DGBD). Good idea, but much too low. Some strings buzzed. A little research showed that some uke's are tuned to an open C but not the same as a banjo open C. I put a capo on my banjo at the 5th fret and found that GBEG was the open C tuning that would let me take advantage of my knowledge and still play this sweet little instrument like a pro. All of my wife's doubts were swept away when I serenaded her with "Tonight you belong to me".
So, apparently it's not enough that I'm addicted to ukuleles and the collection of said ukuleles. As you might recall, I recently got my hands on a Swagerty Singing Treholipee. Now, unfortunately, mine is a little janky. It's missing a tuning paddle (yup, paddle) and a string. But, that was enough to give me a taste. Especially after I started to hear back from other Swagerty fans.
One helpful fella (named Rick) informed me that he was the proud owner of 12 Swagerty ukuleles!! It was at this point that I realized that Swagerty didn't just make the Treholipee. They had a whole line of, what they called, their Kooky Ukes. This line included the Treholipee, the Kook-a-la-lee, the surf-a-lele and the double neck kook-a-la-lee. There is also something called the "Little Guitar" but I'm not sure if that was considered a Kooky Uke or not.
Before I talk more about that, I wanted to mention that my string dilemma is solved! Rick tells me that you can buy Worth tenor ukulele strings in 46" and 63" lengths. And, since the Treholipee is 47" long (in total) the 47" lengths are more than adequate to re-string this baby. It looks like Elderly Instruments might carry these, so let me know if you have luck getting some there and let them know I sent you. Maybe they'll hook me up. Because, something tells me I'm going to be doing a lot of string-buying for Kooky Ukes in the near future.
Now, about my broken tuning paddle, that's a whole 'nother problem. I've been waiting for one to pop up on eBay, but I imagine that's going to increasingly rare. Rick suggested taking a clay mold and casting a new one (maybe out of plastic). I might also bug some of my wood-working friends and see if they can't put something together for me. Another fella contacted me and let me know he bought a Treholipee at a garage sale for $1. Grrrr... but he had the same problem of a broken tuning paddle. But, he fixed that by using (get this) a chopstick! Awesome!
So, back to my addiction. Today, I found myself buying another Treholipee. Yup, that's right. I bought another one and this one has all of its paddles and strings! So, while I anxiously await my Treholipee's arrival I can tell you what I've learned so far.
Swagerty was a copy started, and owned, by Ancil Swagerty. It sounds like he started out making guitars and ukuleles more as art or wall decorations and then was convinced to turn them into playable instruments. His company (whose full name was "Swagerty Specialties Company, Artistry in Woods") made instruments, oddities and other things from the 50s through the 70s. Here's what I've found out about some of those instruments so far:
Treholipee - Ancil was granted a patent for the Treholipee in 1966. I think I read that roughly 60,000 of these little babies were manufactured. The Treholipee seems to have been the flagship for Swagerty's Kooky Ukes line of instruments. Both the Treholipee and the Kook-a-Lele had long headstocks and the idea was the surfers could stick the instruments upside-down in the sand when it was time for surfin'. The Treholipee is 47" long and, as far as I can tell, they can in yellow, orange or green. You might wonder where the name came for this little beauty? Well, it seems like the "Tre" is for three. The "Holi" is for holes (or holy, get it). And I have no idea what the "pee" is all about. Here's a picture from the Ukulele museum. You see, the sound holes are those three little music notes.
Swagerty Singing Treholipee
Kook-a-La-Lee - The Kook-a-La-Lee seems to have been a close relation to the Treholipee. The main differences are that it was two inches shorter (at 45") and the headstock was straight and not curved. Another difference is that the Kook-a-La-Lee has a heart-shaped sound hole and not the three music note holes sported by the Treholipee. Here's a picture from Eldery Instruments.
Double-neck Kook-a-La-Lee - There was, apparently a variation of the Kook-a-La-Lee that had two necks!! From what I've read, these were made specially for friends and were never marketed to the general public. Besides having two necks, they are also different from the standard Kook-a-La-Lee in that the sound holes are round and not heart-shaped. The decal on the body also just says Kook-a-La-Lee. I'm almost certainly going to have to kill someone to get one of these. Here's a picture from the ukulele museum.
Surf-a-Lele - The Surf-a-Lele was like a compact version of the Kook-a-La-Lee. I think the idea was that it needed to be smaller so that you could play it while you were surfing. Now, how anyone was going to hear you over the raging surf, or what was going to happen to your Surf-a-Lele when you fell into the water? Well, I can't answer that. He's a picture from Elderly Instruments.
Swagerty Surf-a-Lele
Little Guitar - From what I've read so far, this little number is the white Sasquatch of the Kooky-Ukes line. Meaning, it's crazy rare. That's weird to me, because it probably has the most "normal" appearance of the whole line. These made their appearance somewhere between 1964 and 1968.
Swagerty Little Guitar
Ok. That's enough lesson time for today. Next time we can talk about the knock-offs that were spawned by the Kooky Uke series. That would include the Polk-a-Lay-Lee and the Wander-Le-Le. Time enough for that later, though.
You know, I've always been looking for one of these, but they don't seem to come up on eBay all that often. The other day I was right in the middle of a project and suddenly, like a bolt out of the blue, I thought "Treholipee!" and instantly ran over to eBay. Sure enough, someone was selling one for a great price (probably because it needs some love). I snapped that baby up and now I'll see if I can restore it a little bit.
If you didn't know about these strange instruments, they were marketed to surfers in the 60s. It came with a strap so you could wear it on your back and it has the huge headstock so you can dig it into the sand and it'll stay put while you are doing all your surfing stuff. Here, check out this video I made about my new one:
If you know anything about these instruments, I'd love to talk to you. And/or if you are a crafty person who might have some ideas as to how I'm going to replace that tuning paddle, I'd love to hear it!