Well, it looks like aNueNue has released U-900 Ukuleles. Yup, and the one for the bear is even an pineapple uke! These are just starting to trickle in, but we're likely to see more in the coming days and weeks.
Here check out a picture. This is what the U-900 Rabbit Soprano Ukulele looks like:
U-900 Rabbit Soprano Ukulele
And as if that weren't adorable enough, check out the case for that uke:
U-900 Soprano Ukulele Case
And, of course, the Bear needs his uke to be a pineapple shape, right? Yup. Take a gander:
aNueNue U-900 Bear Pineapple Ukulele
And here's the case for the Bear:
aNueNue U-900 Bear Pineapple Ukulele Case
So, if you are looking for one of these little beauties, then just check below. This page will update to show you which aNueNue U-900 Ukuleles are available on eBay at all times! Warm up your refresh button! 😉
Oh yeah, and if you have my name for Xmas.... GET ME ONE OF THESE!
So, I had an e-mail this morning from a person looking for an 8-string Tenor Ukulele. They weren't having an easy time searching my site for such a uke. Well, I could see why. I pretty much just list Ukuleles by Brand. That is... I did. Until today!
So, now if you are looking to buy (or maybe just look at some pretty pictures of) different types and sizes of Ukuleles, then check out these new sections on the site.
Let me know if you think I'm missing a section. I actually created a section for Tiple Ukuleles as well, but there was only one listed, so I didn't add that to the my Navigation on the side. So, if you are looking for a new Ukulele, hopefully this makes your quest even easier.
So, I was randomly surfing Amazon to see if there were any new Ukuleles available when I found a "Luna Tattoo Pineapple 21 Inch Soprano Ukulele". Huh? After the Kala Pocket Ukulele snuck by me earlier today I was feeling a little disheartened to see this purty uke. Mainly because I hadn't really heard of Luna before. Dang. I must be losing my edge (assuming I ever had one, I guess). Take a look and see what I mean by purty:
Luna Tattoo Pineapple 21 Inch Soprano Ukulele
According to the Amazon detail, this ukulele is made of Mahogany and the Polynesian Tattoo design on the body and fret markers was laser-etched on there. It's got Aquila Strings on there and triangle inlays. I mean, I'm a little surprised that it's only $69. It's freaking gorgeous! Also, if you are one of those giant Samoan guys who is covered in those rad tattoos, then think how great it will be to have a Uke that matches YOU! Heh. Ok, I can only dream that giant Samoan Tattooed guys are reading my blog. Some day, man... some day.
So, I've been pretty intrigued with the Lanikai LU-21 as one of the better choices for a starter ukulele. Heck, even at $70 it seemed like a good deal but the price is just getting cheaper and cheaper. So, I went looking for reviews and I found this great Youtube review of the LU-21.
Pretty thorough! Well, if you do want to get your hands on this ukulele, here are 3 different methods for doing so and also there is another variation you might be interested in.
Most of the Lanikai LU-21P ukuleles on ebay are around $79. You can do better than that, right? Well, you might want to bid on this auction for your Lanikai LU-21. Right now it's only $30.
Musician's Friend:
Depending on the deals and specials that are running, sometimes Musician's Friend has cheaper prices than Amazon and other times they don't. However, what they do have is great customer service and a fantastic return policy. Also, if you are looking to buy more than just a ukulele (strings, mics, cords, etc) then you'll spend less time looking at Musician's Friend and overall, I'd expect your cost to be just about the same as Amazon. On the Lanikai LU-21 and LU-21P, though, they are about $10 higher than amazon.
Lanikai LU-21 Standard Ukulele Rosewood Fretboard from Musician's Friend
Then look at this cute little pineapple number, the Lanikai LU-21P!
Lanikai LU-21P Pineapple Ukulele Rosewood Fretboard from Musician's Friend
So, in this case at least, Amazon has the best deal (unless you can score that ebay auction for less than $49). Check it out:
Lanikai LU-21 Soprano Ukulele from Amazon.comLanikai LU-21P Pinapple Ukulele from Amazon.com
dropDavid, on Twitter, asked me the following, "hey uke guy 😀 i need professional advice, should i buy the lanikai lu21 concert uke? is it a good buy for the price?"
Well friend, I think you are gonna be psyched. Let me start out by saying that I have been the proud owner of a CK-TEQ Lanikai Ukulele for about 5 years and I absolutely love it! I know we aren't talking about me or my ukulele, but look at this pretty thing!
Lanikai CK-TEQ Tenor Curly Koa Acoustic Electric Ukulele
Anyway, I did some research on the Lanikai LU-21 and it looks like a pretty great ukulele for the price.
Lanikai LU-21 Soprano Ukulele
$49 is a great price for your first ukulele and looking through the reviews, it sounds like a good value. There were a total of 12 reviews with an average rating of 4.5 stars. Not too shabby! Lanikai ukuleles are well made and they sound great. Like I said, I'm totally in love with mine. I don't think you'll be disappointed at all.
Another uke you might look at is the Oscar Schmidt OU2 Concert Ukulele. It's only $7 more and it looks beautiful. I've never personally played one, but I hear people say that they are quality instruments.