Video: The Eleuke Escalating Electric Fence Wager (part 1)

Damn, I nearly broke my "e" key on the title there.

Ok. I'm not going to say much about this video.... yet. Consider this a teaser of things to come. I know this doesn't appear to be especially ukulele-related, but rest assured that I was holding my Eleuke electric ukulele when I actually touch the electric fence. So... it's legit. 😉

This video series has more cursing than you've come to expect from my videos. But, don't worry, it also has more drinking and slurring. So, it balances out, right? Heh.

Video: Five Foot Two on aNueNue Concert Banjo Ukulele

Ok.  Now that we got that damned guinea pig quiet, I can actually play my new aNueNue banjo uke.  I picked this standard because I feel the Warner Bros. frog would appreciate it.  Now, I just have to remember which corner stone I buried him in so he doesn't bankrupt some poor bastard in the future.  Expect many more videos with this particular ukulele.  It is my new favorite.  When I finally get my novelty band off the ground, I plan to play this aNueNue for most of the songs. Something about it paired with a stomp box and possibly kazoo... I just know that's gonna sound bitchin'.

Guinea Pig Sabotage (listen all a y’all)

So, during the same lunch hour in which I recorded my introductory video for the aNueNue concert banjo ukulele, I also needed to record a song.  During this particular take, my son's guinea pig had something to say.

I guess I could have moved to a different room, but I've never a recorded a video in here before and I wanted to showcase my son's sweet Star War sheets and pillows.  So, I just put a pillow over the guinea pigs face and everyone was happy for the second take (which I'll upload later today or maybe Monday).  Jokes!

Jimmy the guinea pig is just fine and dandy, don't worry.  Besides we could always replace him the a Zhu Zhu Pet, right?  Gross.

I guess he had a reason to be pissed at me.  I had clipped my Flip MinoHD to his cage using my gorillapod, afterall.  Honestly, though, I don't think he was scared.  I just think he thought the gorillapod was food and he was mad that he couldn't reach it.  You see, he's a real lard ass.

Anyway, the real take is coming soon, but until then, enjoy the guinea pig sabotage:

aNueNue Concert Banjo Ukulele (it rules)

Well, after my broken string problem yesterday (NOTE: you should probably triple knot your strings before you slip them through the tailpiece on these bad boys) I got this baby tuned up last night and then I ended up drinking wine, playing banjolele and singing too loud until about 1am.  That would have been fine and dandy but my wife is out of town and I have both the boys.  So, 7am came earlier than I remembered this morning.  But blurry-eyed and happy, I still managed to get food in them, make a lunch and get them to school and Grandma's house (respectively).

To celebrate, over lunch, I made some videos with my new favorite possession.  First off, I once again want to thank Rich of for the screaming deal on this banjo ukulele.  Also, I think the aNueNue folks had something to say about it, so huge thanks to them as well!  I would have gladly paid $500 for this ukulele!  If you want to get one for yourself, check out my newly added aNueNue section on the website.

Anyway, here's the video introduction:

Let me know if you have any specific questions and I'll make another video.  I've also recorded a video of me playing Five Foot Two with this baby (because it really seems to lend itself to standards like that).  After I post that video, I just remembered that I never posted the drunken escapade that became the escalating electric fence wager.  So, just wait for that.  It's barely ukulele-related at all, but it's pretty funny.  Happy weekend all!

aNueNue’s Banjo Ukuleles (details coming soon)

So I got an e-mail from a nice fella named Rich Cichowski. He runs an eBay guitar store ( and he's a big fan of Orcas strings.  So, we get to talking and he's telling me about Orcas strings (which I will review now that I have some) and also about the new Tenor Banjo Ukuleles from aNueNue.  I'm super intrigued especially when I see how pretty these things are.  Check it out:

aNueNue Banjo Ukuelele Click on the uke to go to their site and see what else they offer, but then come back here because they don't sell direct and Rich has the goods!  The banjo ukulele in the picture is a concert, I believe, but the one Rich sent me to test out is a tenor.  I literally just opened the package but I was so excited that I had to tell someone.  Don't worry, though, videos and reviews will be forthcoming on both the aNueNue Banjo Ukulele and the Orcas strings.  Although, I already broke a string with my stupidity, so I'm going to order another set from Rich as soon as I post this.  Heh... no one has ever accused me of being the Ukulele genius, thank god.

Anyway, in the meantime, check out Rich's stuff.  Here is his Orcas stuff:

And here are some of the aNueNue ukuleles you can get from Rich:

Holy smokes. I'm freaking excited! My first banjo ukulele experience!

EDIT: Turns out the aNueNue Banjo Ukulele I'm testing out is a Concert, not a Tenor like I said above.  I think I got it confused because Rich was talking to me about aNueNue's 6-string tenor ukuleles and I transposed it somehow.  Anyway, I've got the aNueNue Concert Banjo Ukulele out of the case, I've got the floating bridge in place and I'm stretching the strings right now.  The tone is soooo much more different than I'm used to.  I'll tell you more once I get a video recorded.