Original Song: Belated by Ukulele Guy #MusicMonday

I've lost track of how many #MusicMonday songs I've given y'all.  I think this might be seven?  In case you are new to the site, for some reason I promised to release an original ukulele song every Monday, on Twitter.  Well... I'm not giving up yet.

I wrote this song in 2005 or 2006 and there was a specific purpose for it.  See, my beautiful wife and our baby son were visiting relatives.  If you are married and have children, then you know what comes next.  That's right, beer and video games.  So, I stayed up till the wee hours playing World of Warcraft and enjoying frosty beverages.  Well.. I was celebrating so much that I forgot to call my wife on her birthday.  Yup, bad news, indeed.

So, in the sober light of morning, I immediately got to work writing this song for her.  The concept was supposed to be all the excuses as to why I didn't call her, but the song was so short that I'm not sure you would understand that if I didn't tell you.  I kinda jammed it all in there.  That's something I often do because of my insanely short attention span.  What were we talking about?  Oh yeah.. the song.

So, here ya go.  This is the song that explained to my wife why she shouldn't file for divorce. 😉


Belated by Ukulele Guy



London Uke Festival Songbook (FREE!)

So, chatting with Steve Berryman (steveberryman on twitter) a few weeks back and he mentioned something about rehearsal with the London Uke Festival.  I'm pretty sure that beer was mentioned as well, so it sounded like a pretty great festival.  Anyway, they have a pretty exhaustive songbook that they are working from and Steve suggested that I ask the festival coordinator if I could share the songbook with all of my uke friends.  Good news!  They said yes!

Make sure you check out the London Uke Festival as well!  I mean, look at this picture!  What a fun festival this must be.

London Ukulele Festival
London Ukulele Festival

Anyhoo, without further ado, check out the London Uke Festival's Songbook!

Video: Ukulele Guy – Naughty Song

So, I got on a bit of a roll yesterday and actually recorded two videos. Here is the second video. This was played on my Rogue Baritone Ukulele and it's a kid's song I wrote awhile back. The idea was to teach kid's to be naughty. This was before my boys had grown up enough to be truly naughty and, I realize now, I made my karma bed on this one. In case you ask, the Rogue Baritone ukulele was like $20-30 and it sorta shows, but it's still pretty fun to play.

Video: Ukulele Guy brings you The Facts of Life

Look buddy, I get it.  Times are tough all over.  Economy, acid rain (huh?), lemurs biting people for apparently no reason.... zombies.... yup.  The world can be a scary place.  You know what you need?  How 'bout a positive life message?  You know, if a 20 year-old car can be called vintage, then so can this song.  It's got me through a lot of tough times in my life, so now I'm sharing it with you.  Heh.  "It takes a lot to get it right...", Indeed!

In this video I'm playing my Lanikai CK-TEQ tenor ukulele.  I filmed it with my flip video and my Gorillapod.  Ahh yeah.... not getting anything work-related done today.  Heh.

Flaming Lips and Fluke Tye-Dye Uke

MusicGuyMic sells loads of ukuleles on eBay.  The guy knows his stuff.  After watching Rawuke tear up his Tiki Fluke Ukulele the other day, I wanted to see more fun Fluke Ukulele designs.  If you are looking for the funky or unusual ukulele, then chances are that Fluke has what you are looking for.  The cool thing about MusicGuyMic though is that many of the Fluke Ukuleles he sells have been upgraded from plastic to a solid rosewood fretboard and bridge.  So, if the price seems higher than you've seen one one of these Fluke Tye-Dye Concert Ukulele, there's your explanation.  Look at how rad this thing is!

NEW FLUKE TYE-DYE CONCERT Ukulele w/ Rosewood fretboard
NEW FLUKE TYE-DYE CONCERT Ukulele w/ Rosewood fretboard

Oh yeah, while you are here... might as well check out a video of a kid playing a Flaming Lips song on his Fluke Ukulele and harmonica.  Boo-yah!