UPDATE:If you found this page looking for a Treholipee, then check out the following deals:

Wow! I've never seen, nor heard of, one of these before. Take a gander:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Treholipee Ukulele
. From the auction notes:
Being sold out of local estate is a vintage Swagerty Surfer Ukulele. Called a "The Singing Treholipee". Made in San Clemente, CA, licensed by Don Gardner. From the 1960's, these Ukulele's were used by Surfers. The long headstocks were stuck in the sand while they were surfing. Measures approximately 47" in length. It is in very good condition, except that it is missing one tuning paddle and one tuning paddle is broken off. Please see pictures. Sold "As Shown". I have seen replacements paddles sold on Ebay. Will make a wonderful addition to any collection!
It sounds like this particular Treholipee Uke could use some love, but it's still freaking gorgeous! I searched through past ebay auction data (check out http://easypriceguide.com to see how) and based on the past 90 days of eBay data, Treholipee Ukes sell for about $186 (on average). So, it sounds like this auction might be worth watching more closely.