Kala’s Pocket Ukulele – How big is it?

So, I got my Kala Pocket Ukulele this morning and I haven't been able to put it down for very long.  It's so freaking fun!  I'm going to make a few videos to show you more about it but I wanted to give you a quick picture to give a sense of scale.  People keep asking me, "Just how small is it?".  Turns out, they were talking about the ukulele.  Hi-yooo!

Anyway, here is a picture of my guitar, baritone ukulele, tenor ukulele, soprano ukulele and the kala pocket ukulele.

More to come soon!


Guitar,  Baritone Uke,  Tenor Uke,  Soprano Uke and Kala Pocket Ukulele
Guitar, Baritone Uke, Tenor Uke, Soprano Uke and Kala Pocket Ukulele