Alright folks, as you might remember from my post, "Yessir, we got ourselves a real band!", my new project is called "Shane Hickey and his Magical Ukulele.... and Jerry". Well, to really sell a name like that, my ukulele better be pretty freaking awesome. Also, I'm going to need something that will take the focus off of my playing. Cause otherwise folks might wonder why they just shelled out $3 to see a couple of hacks. Heh.
Well, as luck would have it, I found a fella who makes magical instruments. There is a local luthier named Ryan Rukavina and he does some pretty magical work. I got wind that he was making a couple of Teleukes (Solid body electric ukuleles patterned after the Fender Telecaster. When I heard about them, I asked him to keep me up to date on the projects because I was probably interested. By "probably interested" of course I mean, insanely interested.
So, I was pretty much on cloud nine yesterday when I dropped by Ryan's shop to pick up my new Teleukulele! I will post some videos very soon so you can hear how great it sounds but, until then, you can feast your eyes on this baby.

Here's more good news. If you are looking for your own custom electric ukulele, then look no further. Ryan also made a brunette to the blonde that I purchased. Check out the eBay auctions below and you will see it listed with some more of his creations.