Note: I guess you could call this part two of this post, "Goodbye pitchpipe! Hello $13 Digital Tuner!"
Huzzah! I got my $13 digital tuner in the mail today. And, in case you are wondering, I don't have freakishly gigantic hands. This little guy is tiny and precious! Mine actually came with two batteries, for some reason, and I'm not complaining about that one bit. I opened up the box, popped in the battery and we were off and running. I just clipped it to the head of my uke and started tuning away. In seconds, I was in perfect tune. I feel like I have a pretty decent ear, but with a pitch pipe, it definitely takes me a little bit of time to tune my uke. No more! What am I going to do with all this extra time?! I was going to make a video of me tuning my ukulele with this little gadget but a) I didn't know how to hold everything at the same time and b) it literally took 20 seconds.
So, I'm definitely glad I put my money where my mouth was this time. This is the best ukulele accessory purchase I've ever made. Yay!